Why People Are Launching a Business Now More than Ever


Did you know that over 97% of businesses in Canada are small businesses? Similarly, in the US, small businesses account for 99.9% of all businesses in the country. This staggering statistic underscores the vibrant entrepreneurial spirit that is flourishing across North America. As individuals increasingly seek to carve out their own paths, explore their passions, and create financial opportunities, the surge in small business ventures is both inspiring and transformative.

In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind this wave of entrepreneurship, examining the trends that are propelling more people to launch their own businesses.

From the motivations that drive individuals to take the leap and to practical strategies for successfully starting a venture, we’ll provide insights that can help aspiring entrepreneurs navigate their journeys.

Blog highlights 

  • Small business boom: The number of small businesses in North America is skyrocketing, driven by a desire for independence and financial opportunities.
  • Finding the motive: Explore the reasons why people are turning their business ideas into reality, from passion to financial gain.
  • Success strategies: Discover practical tips and strategies to help you launch your own business and overcome challenges.

Small Businesses are Growing: Statistics & Trends

Entrepreneurship in the US and Canada is booming, and small businesses are a big part of the picture. According to the stats above, there are over 33 million small businesses in the US alone, employing nearly half of the private sector workforce.

In Canada, small businesses employ approximately 47% of the private sector workforce, further illustrating their importance.

Several crucial trends are fueling this growth:

  • eCommerce growth: Online shopping has changed how consumers buy products and services. Entrepreneurs are capitalizing on this by launching eCommerce sites and finding niche markets to serve.
  • Remote work revolution: The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the move to remote work, allowing people to start businesses without the constraints of a traditional office. This means budding entrepreneurs can manage their business from virtually anywhere.
  • Gig economy growth: The increase in freelance and contract work has inspired many to pursue entrepreneurship as a viable career path. Platforms like Airbnb and Uber have demonstrated the potential of gig-based business models. This has lead to a new wave of entrepreneurial endeavors. Many business owners face challenges in budget allocation for marketing and often rely on basic methods like spreadsheets for accounting. This highlights the need for proper accounting tools and alternative financing options.

Following the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a noticeable rise in new business applications. In 2021 alone, 1 million new business applications were filed, a number far higher than in previous years. This increase was logged by the US Census Bureau and reported by Recode and Vox.

There’s also data showing women are launching their own businesses at a higher rate than before the pandemic. Here are some of the stats:

  • Women started 57% of online microbusinesses since March 2020, compared to 48% before the pandemic.
  • According to data from Venture Forward, women are starting businesses at a rate of 26% more than men.
  • According to the Kauffman Indicators of Entrepreneurship, the number of women starting businesses of all types increased sharply in 2020.

These stats suggest that women are taking advantage of the opportunities presented by the pandemic to start their own businesses and pursue the careers they’ve been dreaming about.

It’s worth noting that the article also mentions that women are not alone in starting their own businesses. Black Americans and those without college degrees are also starting businesses at a higher rate than before the pandemic.

Why People Are Turning Their Business Ideas Into Full-Time Work?

Light bulb creative business idea symbol held by a hand.
Source: Envato

It has been reported that in the second decade of the millennium, people are leaving their jobs in droves to go in search of better opportunities. Most of them are taking their own business ideas and starting their own companies.

In 2023, over 5.5 million new business applications were recorded in the US, a record number higher than the last five years.

So why is that? What’s driving all these people to go online? We dug into the top 3 reasons below:

Choosing the right business model is crucial as it impacts profitability, scalability, and operational requirements, and should align with the entrepreneur’s goals and market needs.

Chasing Passion

At the heart of many successful businesses lies the pursuit of passion. The idea of transforming a hobby or interest into a thriving venture is a powerful motivator. Take, for example, the story of Julie Rice and Elizabeth Cutler, who founded SoulCycle in 2006.

They turned their love for fitness into a brand that revolutionized the indoor cycling experience. Their journey exemplifies how following one’s passion can lead not just to personal fulfillment but also to significant business success.

Another great example is HostPapa. This Canadian web hosting company was also launched in 2006 with the goal of delivering exceptional web hosting services to more people at more affordable prices.

As the company increased in size, its web hosting and customer service were praised among the hosting community, making it one of the go-to web hosting providers in the country.

The Desire for Autonomy

For many, the desire to be their own boss is driving their entrepreneurial spirit. The freedom to make their own decisions and shape their work environment can help to improve their work-life balance. Research shows entrepreneurs are more satisfied with their jobs than their 9-to-5 counterparts.

The freedom to create a schedule that fits personal needs contributes to better mental and physical health, making entrepreneurship an appealing option for those seeking a more fulfilling lifestyle.

The Financial Freedom

Starting your own business can be a great way to achieve financial freedom. Yes, it can be tricky at times, but the rewards are incredibly fulfilling.

Just take a look at people like Mark Zuckerberg, who co-created Facebook, or Oprah Winfrey. Mark Zuckerberg began Facebook in his college dorm room at Harvard University, aiming to create a social network that would connect people across the globe. Similarly, Oprah Winfrey’s rise to success is a story of overcoming adversity and breaking boundaries.

They made their dreams into a billion dollar businesses and received financial freedom in the process. Their stories are awesome and concrete proof of the financial benefits of being an entrepreneur.

Small business owners who use computers and phones at work.
Source: Envato

How to Launch Your Own Business: Tips & Strategies

Hostopia has years of experience in determining what is best for a good business idea, which is crucial for our partners. As a digital product and professional services provider, Hostopia’s partners have access to tools such as:

  • Online Presence Builder (Website Builder)
  • Website Hosting
  • Business Email
  • eCommerce Support
  • Online Directory Management

These are just some of the many options available for small and medium businesses. As we expand on our expertise and help our partners and their clients succeed online, we’ve decided to compile a few popular tips to assist with your business launch endeavors.

In addition to these tools, please consider investing in accounting software to track your revenue and expenses accurately, and a business credit card to build credit and manage your finances. Ensure you have the necessary business insurance to protect your assets and always obtain a business license to operate legally.

Then, choose a business name that reflects your brand and register it accordingly. Maintain a separate business bank account to keep your finances organized. These steps are crucial for running a successful business.

1. In-Depth Research & Strategic Planning

Before stepping into an entrepreneurial business, comprehensive research and meticulous planning are paramount. Begin by identifying your target demographics and understanding their needs, preferences, and pain points.

Do a competitor analysis to see the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors, the market gaps and opportunities your business can exploit. Use tools like SWOT analysis to identify internal strengths and weaknesses, external opportunities, and threats.

Develop a detailed business plan that will be your roadmap and strategic guide to create clear objectives, actionable strategies, and realistic financial projections. This foundational step, similar to laying a cornerstone, can dramatically bolster your chances of long-term success by providing direction and measurable milestones.

2. Funding & Essential Resources

With a robust plan in place, the next step is to find the necessary funding and resources. Explore diverse funding avenues such as traditional bank loans, Small Business Administration (SBA) loans, and venture capital investments.

Crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo can be great ways to raise capital and generate public interest. Also consider angel investors who can provide financial backing, industry connections and mentorship.

Building a competent, dedicated team is critical. Look for individuals whose skills complement your own and who share your vision.

Seek out business advisors who can offer guidance, industry insights, and support, leveraging their experience to navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship.

3. Strategic Marketing & Impactful Launch

Developing a comprehensive marketing plan is imperative for establishing your brand’s identity and penetrating your target market. Employ a multifaceted approach that includes both traditional marketing tactics and cutting-edge digital strategies.

Use social media platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn and TikTok to talk to potential customers and tell your brand story. Also, dive into content marketing through blogs, videos, and ebooks to become a thought leader.

Implement SEO strategies to enhance your online visibility and PPC campaigns to drive targeted traffic to your website. An impactful launch is not just about the product itself but about creating a memorable experience.

Perhaps you could organize a launch event, whether virtual or physical, that captivates your audience and engages influencers or industry leaders to amplify your reach. Remember, the manner in which you introduce your product to the market can set the tone for its reception and long-term success.

The man owner works on a small business project.
Source: Envato

Overcoming Challenges & Staying Motivated

Entrepreneurship is not without its challenges. Fear of failure, self-doubt, and uncertainty are everyday experiences for many would-be business owners. Here are the things you must find to overcome the challenges of building your brand.

We recommend: Having a good network around you to help you overcome any problems ,connecting with other entrepreneurs, joining a support group, or getting a mentor to give you the inspiration to stay focused.

Summing It Up

As we’ve seen throughout this post, the rise of small businesses is down to passion, autonomy, and financial freedom. Every entrepreneur’s journey is different but the underlying reasons are often the same: to create something meaningful, to be in control of your life, and to grow personally and financially.

More people realize that starting a business can offer a sense of fulfillment that employment can’t. While the road to entrepreneurship can be challenging, it’s also extremely rewarding. The stories of successful entrepreneurs show that with determination, planning and a willingness to learn from your mistakes, you can turn your dreams into reality. 

So, are you ready to take the leap? If you’ve been contemplating launching your own business, now is the perfect time to start. Begin by conducting your research, building a solid business plan, looking out for the most common mistakes, and seeking resources that will guide you along the way.

As a digital product and services provider, Hostopia has the experience and expertise to help determine what is best for every business idea. Hostopia’s partners have access to outstanding services that can help their clients launch their business ideas online.

Your dream of entrepreneurship is within reach—to learn more about Hostopia’s services, schedule a free consultation today. Contact us via our toll-free number: 1-800-322-9438

Or email us at learnmore@hostopia.com.

FAQ Concept top down view of a keyboard and question marks.
Source: Envato

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ

How can I get started with launching my own business?

To get started launching your own business, begin by conducting in-depth research and strategic planning. Identify your target demographics, understand their needs and preferences, and develop a detailed business plan that serves as a roadmap and strategic guide. As a small business owner, it’s important to understand the unique challenges and opportunities you may face, and to seek out resources and support tailored to your needs.

How do I announce my new business?

Announce your new business through social media, press releases, your website, email marketing, and networking events. You can also host a grand opening event, list your business in online directories, and consider running paid ads.

Is it really a good time to start a business, even with economic uncertainty?

While economic conditions are a factor, many people are finding opportunities in a changing market. Detailed planning is critical to navigating economic uncertainty and ensuring the success of your business. 

What resources are available to help me launch my business?

Hostopia offers a range of services to help you launch your business, including online presence builders, website hosting, business email, eCommerce support, and online directory management. You can also seek out advisors, mentors, and support groups to help you navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship.

Is $1000 enough to start a business?

It depends on the type of business you want to start. Some industries, such as fully online businesses, online stores, or freelancing, can be started with minimal upfront costs. However, other companies, such as brick-and-mortar stores or manufacturing businesses, may require more significant investments that exceed $1000. Another tip is to keep your personal finances separate from your business. 

How do I legally start a startup?

To legally start a startup and comply with sales tax and other regional requirements, you’ll need to select a business structure, register your business with the state, and obtain the necessary licenses. Then, you need to get an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS, open a business bank account, and create a business website alongside a business email account. You should consult with a lawyer or accountant to ensure you’re meeting all the requirements of your local country’s laws.

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